The Concept Of A Standardized Time Zone In India

The Concept Of A Standardized Time Zone In India India, a country of vast geographical expanse and diverse cultural heritage, operates under a single time zone—Indian Standard Time (IST), which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+5:30). This singular time standard, while facilitating administrative convenience, presents a unique historical narrative … Read more

Mahabalipuram, located in the Tamil Nadu state of India

Mahabalipuram, located in the Tamil Nadu state of India

Mahabalipuram, located in the Tamil Nadu state of India, is known for its rich culture and ancient temples. Among these, the most famous is the Shore Temple, a structural temple situated on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. Built in the 8th century AD from granite blocks, this temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu … Read more